Bobtail Cochins
Bobtail cochins are just special! I have owned this breed for over two years now and I simply cannot think of a more gentle and beautiful bird. The roosters are some of the kindest and most loving roosters I have owned. I sold a cockerel to a woman last year that wanted a rooster safe for her chicken loving daughters and she was over the moon happy with him. They take him stand up paddle boarding with them and made a purse that had his face on it for their daughter’s birthday because they love him so much. That says it all I think!
While they are not currently an accepted variety of bantam cochin, my daughter was too in love with them to say no to owning them and sharing them with others! We wanted to be part of the larger group showing this breed so that one day their variety might be accepted as an official variety that can win Best in Show.
We will have limited availability (March - June) —since bantam cochins spend most of the laying season broody instead of laying eggs and this variety is not known to be easy to breed. I have expanded the flock but lost my proven rooster and therefore will need to test his sons for fertility before I will have any chicks available in 2025. I now have 2 cockerels, 5 pullets, and one hen. This should improve my stock and fertility rates and availability into the future, I hope!
They are just beautiful balls of fluff that love to be pampered and chatter away at us when we are slow with the treats!
Prices are per chick and chicks are straight run. Please contact me for availability or to get on a waitlist!
Bobtail cochins are just special! I have owned this breed for over two years now and I simply cannot think of a more gentle and beautiful bird. The roosters are some of the kindest and most loving roosters I have owned. I sold a cockerel to a woman last year that wanted a rooster safe for her chicken loving daughters and she was over the moon happy with him. They take him stand up paddle boarding with them and made a purse that had his face on it for their daughter’s birthday because they love him so much. That says it all I think!
While they are not currently an accepted variety of bantam cochin, my daughter was too in love with them to say no to owning them and sharing them with others! We wanted to be part of the larger group showing this breed so that one day their variety might be accepted as an official variety that can win Best in Show.
We will have limited availability (March - June) —since bantam cochins spend most of the laying season broody instead of laying eggs and this variety is not known to be easy to breed. I have expanded the flock but lost my proven rooster and therefore will need to test his sons for fertility before I will have any chicks available in 2025. I now have 2 cockerels, 5 pullets, and one hen. This should improve my stock and fertility rates and availability into the future, I hope!
They are just beautiful balls of fluff that love to be pampered and chatter away at us when we are slow with the treats!
Prices are per chick and chicks are straight run. Please contact me for availability or to get on a waitlist!
Bobtail cochins are just special! I have owned this breed for over two years now and I simply cannot think of a more gentle and beautiful bird. The roosters are some of the kindest and most loving roosters I have owned. I sold a cockerel to a woman last year that wanted a rooster safe for her chicken loving daughters and she was over the moon happy with him. They take him stand up paddle boarding with them and made a purse that had his face on it for their daughter’s birthday because they love him so much. That says it all I think!
While they are not currently an accepted variety of bantam cochin, my daughter was too in love with them to say no to owning them and sharing them with others! We wanted to be part of the larger group showing this breed so that one day their variety might be accepted as an official variety that can win Best in Show.
We will have limited availability (March - June) —since bantam cochins spend most of the laying season broody instead of laying eggs and this variety is not known to be easy to breed. I have expanded the flock but lost my proven rooster and therefore will need to test his sons for fertility before I will have any chicks available in 2025. I now have 2 cockerels, 5 pullets, and one hen. This should improve my stock and fertility rates and availability into the future, I hope!
They are just beautiful balls of fluff that love to be pampered and chatter away at us when we are slow with the treats!
Prices are per chick and chicks are straight run. Please contact me for availability or to get on a waitlist!